
Objective of the Handbook

This book serves as an excellent communication tool from the laboratory to the clinician and others needing the services of a diagnostic laboratory. This booklet provides the documented policies for effective usage of the service provided and guidance on the operations.

Management Team

points of contact for clarifications or queries

Mr. Samuel Akin Sesay

Mr. Samuel Akin Sesay

Accounts, Logistics and Data Unit

+232 76 866146

Mrs. Jeneba Bickestheth

Mrs. Jeneba Bickestheth

Ag. Admin Manager – HQ

+232 76 876264

Mr. Morlai Karim  Kamara ( Consultant)

Mr. Morlai Karim Kamara ( Consultant)

Laboratory Supervisors

+232 76 876264

Ms. Wachen Peters (HQ)

Ms. Wachen Peters (HQ)

Laboratory Supervisors

+232 79 813946

Mr. Alex Kargbo – Rokupa

Mr. Alex Kargbo – Rokupa

Laboratory Supervisors


Ms. Marie Rogers

Ms. Marie Rogers

Ag. Admin Officer –Bobo branch

+232 78 921384


All workers detail
RAMSY operate 8 units with 6 serving the medical diagnosis and 1 supporting analytical non-human samples such as water, soil and food and a logistic support for all units.


Clinical Chemistry



Fertility diiagnosis Unit

Molecular Unit

Patient Reception Support

Specimen Management


Hours of Operation

Main Office and Bo Branch (include 1hr break)

Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturday
0800 – 1800 0800 – 1800 0800 – 1800 0800 – 1800 0800 – 1800 0800 – 1400

Not:- Sundays and National Holidays – on-call request.

Order of Draw

  • Blood culture bottle or tube (yellow or yellow-black top)
  • Sodium citrate tube (light blue top)
  • Non-additive tube with or without clot activator, with or without gel (red top)
  • Heparin tube with or without gel plasma separator (green top)
  • EDTA tube with or without gel separator (lavender top)
  • ACD tube (pale yellow top)
  • Oxalate/fluoride tube (light gray top)
On Key

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